Water is the most important thing in the life of every living creature in this world – scarcity of water can lead to the destruction of everything. As water denotes life to every living being on this planet, it is our responsibility to ensure the proper conservation of water every time. However, some human beings are not aware of this situation. The primary example would be the most famous city of Cape Town – which recorded tremendous scarcity of groundwater level in the year 2017-2018.
Now talking about the water level in cities of India, in the year 2019, research analysts have shown that some big cities like Bangalore have already recorded a tremendous fall in the water. This is acting like a final bell – which is acting as a warning for the people in India. If we take Kolkata for example, the water scarcity has not shown yet, because of the Hoogly River that surrounds the city. Also, there are many other water supplies in the entire West Bengal as well. But, in the year 2019 or so, environmentalists have shown the decrease of groundwater level in some areas like New Town, Salt Lake, etc. – which are far away from the river belts. The reason behind this is the construction of real-estate projects which often includes cutting away trees and not having any plan for reconstructing them.
So what’s the solution to this problem? As has been shared by some of the best interior decorators in Kolkata or the top famous interior designers like Spectrum Interiors, it is the responsibility of the real-estate giants or the interior companies in Kolkata to find the most suitable solution. The construction of buildings cannot be compromised; however, there should be some provision to include the feeling for nature as well. Today, large building complexes are including palm or some other trees within them as well as it includes some plants that can grow on the walls of the buildings. This can ensure the greenery needed for the free-flow of oxygen as well as the ability to ensure a proper amount of rainfall.
Now, let’s talk about rainfall and how can it ensure proper water supply. In recent time, the West Bengal Govt. has included a very interesting concept related to rainwater harvesting. This is exactly what is needed in the case of water conservation. Some of the best interior companies in Kolkata have shared some concepts, which can lead you to know the important ways for the same and which has been given below for your reference:
1) Try to Store the Rainwater in Large Drums
Interior designers can introduce some ways to introduce gutters for rains on rooftops and large drums outside the house premises that can conserve a large amount of water from the rains. You can include rain-chains made of copper to direct the water to the drums from the roof gutter. Now, as the water is stored, you need to ensure that you include some droplets of vegetable oil on the surface – to avoid the birth of larvae. This water can be used for washing utensils, in toilets, in gardens for watering plants and cleaning floors.
2) Provision for Directing Rainwater to the Plants
You can create a structure that directs water to plant bases that need regular watering. This is an automated process, so you don’t have to allot separate time for that.
3) Rooftop Gardens for Apartments or Building Complexes
Some of the real-estate giants like Merlin, Eden City, PS Srijan, etc. are creating provisions for introducing gardens at the top of the roof. Moreover, they are also introducing some very interesting concepts like Skywalk that lets you walk around in the greenery with everything beneath you. The interior designers are keeping plants on them – that have dense roots for storing a large amount of water. In this way, a total garden can be set up without taking special care for them.
4) Collect Water Using Separate Bowels at Separate Places
This concept is the easiest process that allows us to place any kind of bowel at different locations – that can store the rainwater on them. This water can be used for gardening, floor cleaning, etc.
5) Use of a Rain Saucer
This is very much similar to upturned umbrellas placed right above the barrel or drums for storing rainwater. This can ensure that the water is not getting wasted and is directed properly into the barrels.
6) Place Items Outside – That Needs Regular Cleaning
You can keep your car, bike, and other items, which can be locked for avoiding theft and need cleaning regularly. This can save a lot of water from getting wasted and help them to be store for some other purpose.
7) Take Care of Your Borewell – If You Have the Same
Although this is not present for apartments or complexes, this is a very common practice in cities like Kolkata. Although this helps us to collect the groundwater, we must ensure that it gets filled properly as well. Also, we do have to ensure that a proper provision is there – which can direct the water properly into the borewell.
8) Use of Metered Water Supply
The KMC needs to charge people based on their water consumption. There are some families, who wastewater without any reason and whom we have to stop through this system. As long as they are not getting billed, they will continue to waste water like they have been doing their whole life.